Scotland and Scotch whisky: Western Highlands  whisky through the producing distilleries: history, making, maps and tasting notes


Loch Lomond

Loch Lomond Distillery
Dumbartonshire G83 0TL
+44 1389 752 781

Propriétaire: Loch Lomond Distillery Co Ltd

Année de création: 1965

The Loch Lomond distillery has been settled in 1965 in the buildings of an ancient dyeing plant called United Turkey Red. In the beginning of the 19th century, another Loch Lomond distillery was situated at the other end of the loch. The first Loch Lomond distillery is closed since 1817. The current distillery has itself been closed between 1984 and 1987 and has been restored by Glen Catrine Bonded Warehouse, independent bottler and blender from the area.
The name of Loch Lomond for a whisky is particularly famous thanks to Tintin.Loch Lomond Tintin
It is indeed the favourite whisky of Captain Haddock.... However, the whisky produced by the current distillery Loch Lomond cannot be the favourite of the captain, as the distillery has been build many years after the adventures of Tintin where Haddock drinks it. Another distillery, called Lochlomond (or Tarbat) has also existed, but this one is too old, as it stopped its activities somewhere round 1817. The captain Haddock's Loch Lomond has really been made up by Hergé.
Beside the Loch LomondLoch Lomond train
single malt (dear to Haddock's heart), the distillery produces two other single malts: Inchmurrin and Old Roshdhu. Some other less known (because not marketed as single malt) are also produced by the distillery: Loch Lomond HP, Craiglodge, Croftengea, Glen Douglas and Inchmoan.
The production of different malts in the same stills is possible thanks to special stills, called "Lomond stills". The difference between Lomond still and a traditional pot still is that the lyne arm is replaces by a system of horizontal and parallel plates, just like the Coffey still. But, contrary to the Coffey still, the distillation is not continuous.
The distillery has acquired a Coffey still in 1993 in order to produce grain whisky, and so to produce its own blends.
A blend called Loch Lomond is also available. Other blends of this distillery are Loch Lomond Single Blend, High Commissioner Blended Whisky and Scots Earl blended whisky.
The distillery also has its own cooperage. All this make Loch Lomond one of the few distilleries who take the whole whisky making process in charge, from the grinding of the grain till the blending. On the other hand, it does not produce its own malt.



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